What Happened

What Happened to the New Business?

Let's just say, the two partner's didn't have the same business ideas.

Mr. X, was the guy that stated that he would fund the business, provide us with new leads, and make sure payroll was kept up until we started to make a profit.

Our owner, was the guy that paid the bills out of his own pocket, worked with the employees to get the jobs completed, worked on trying to get new customers, and worked long hours.  The sad thing is that our owner was doing everything while the other owner did nothing, exept to complain about payroll, and that we are not making a profit.

Our owner had enough of it.  So he decided to go back to the old way.  He said the old way worked, and he didn't have the stress that the new business was causing him.

So here we are, back to the old way and we are back at the relax, non-stressful business model that we are use too, and the Owner and the Employees are much more happier.